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How to Copy and Paste Formulas in Microsoft Excel

Along with the powerful formula features available in Microsoft Excel is the ability to reuse formulas without having to retype them. Ready to save some time with your spreadsheets? Here’s how to copy formulas in Excel using a variety of methods. Absolute Versus Relative References When Copying Formulas Before you begin, it’s important to note the cell reference style you use when you copy and paste a formula in Excel. If you use absolute cell references in the copied formula, these remain unchanged when you paste the formula. This means that you’ll need to adjust the pasted formula to accommodate the new cell references. Absolute references contain a dollar sign ($) before the column, row, or both in the cell reference. For example, $A$1 uses an absolute column and row. If you use relative cell references in the copied formula, these automatically adjust to accommodate the new cell references when you paste the formula. Relative references do not contain a symbol before the c